
two found poems

A Child’s Winter

Cold the house without fire in winter
Midst the winter's snows
When winter winds blaw sharp an' shrill
For all the livelong winter's night

Cold blew the winter air
Cold, cold is winter's blast
Blow, blow thou winter wind
Through winter frost

Wearily blows the winter wind
When the winter snow fell fast
Winter came, and then, alas
Oh then it was winter fairly

Let winter round me rave
And she's over the hills on a winter's night
It's a cold winter's night, my love
It's a cold winter's night, and I must lie alone

When winter blows in sleety showers
The wild winds of winter now sweep o'er the lake
The winter star doth now appear
Smiling winter's frown away

after Child's Ballads


   for Kenny Goldsmith

veering northerly
rising easterly
backing westerly
decreasing southerly

rising westerly
backing southerly
decreasing northerly
veering easterly

backing northerly
veering westerly
decreasing easterly
rising southerly 

decreasing westerly
veering southerly
rising northerly
backing easterly 

KG reading at Morden Tower, AV Festival 2012
a reading enlivened by intermittent roars from the crowd at St James Park

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